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Lowe, John J. (2021), 'Revisiting Pāṇini's generative power.' In Ghanshyam Sharma and John J. Lowe (ed.), Trends in South Asian linguistics, 361-380. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Paper In Edited Volume
Lowe, John J. (2017), 'The Sanskrit (pseudo)periphrastic future.' Transactions of the Philological Society 115 (2): 263-294.
Journal Article
Lowe, John J. and James W. Benson (2023), 'A grammarian’s view of negation: Nāgeśa’s Paramalaghumañjūṣā on Nañartha.' Journal of Indian Philosophy 51: 49-75.
Journal Article
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Paper In Edited Volume
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Journal Article
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Paper In Edited Volume
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Phd Thesis
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Paper In Edited Volume
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Journal Article
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Paper In Edited Volume
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Journal Article
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Paper In Edited Volume
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Phd Thesis
Scharf, Peter M. (2011), 'On the semantic foundations of Pāṇinian derivational procedure: the derivation of kumbhakāra.' Journal of the American Oriental Society 131 (1): 39-72.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Paper In Edited Volume
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